Saturday, April 10, 2010

Long Run

So today I did my longest run ever!!! It felt so great except for the three massive blisters on the sides of my feet. While I was running I could feel my shoes rubbing the side of my feet near my ankles, but did not stop to check. Even if I had, there was not much I could have done. It hurt, but I just kept going, and I did not realize that it was bad until I got home. When I took my shoes off, I had blood on my socks and my shoes. For shorter runs, my socks have been fine, but I guess over such a long distance it just rubbed too much. So we went to Hibbett Sports and bought me some new socks that cover better. I was going to post pictures, but since I have some friends (Grace and Kristen lol) that have weak stomachs I will refrain. Let's just say they are about the size of a quarter. The race is only two weeks away!!!


  1. There are some blister pads you can get at Walgreens to cover them...also next time put moleskin on those areas before a long run! So proud of ya'll for completing your long run today!! Yay!

  2. Thanks Kimberly!! Great advice!

  3. I'm proud of you for toughing it out, honey! You're doing great. And let the record show that handled the ice bath much better than I did afterward.

  4. So much for a foot massage after your long run, huh?

  5. Thanks for not posting pics lol :) Congrats though I'm proud of you! :) Now if I could get off my lazy butt and start running too... lol
